April 21

Going paperless

As students were printing articles this morning, in a not-so-printer-friendly fashion, I asked them whether it couldn’t be done digitally. One student said they needed a hard copy because they needed to annotate the article before turning it in. In my curiosity, I wondered how they might do that digitally.

Here’s one possible way (would someone be willing to try it out with a student?):

  • Have students open the OneNote App on their laptop
  • They may need to log in; use their login for Office 365 (s____@stu.fwisd.org)
  • Find their article online
  • Highlight the text of the article
  • Copy
  • Paste into a OneNote Notebook
  • Copy and paste the URL, as well.
  • Within OneNote, you can edit the text pretty much as you would in Word. You could establish norms for annotating, such as using particular highlight colors, what to underline, etc.
  • If they have already logged into the Outlook app at some point, they can then email their annotated article to you from within OneNote; you’ll receive the full text of the article with all their annotations. If it tries to open the regular Mail app, that won’t work.  They’ll need to set up their Outlook app.

If you try it out, let me know what you run into and I can update these instructions.