December 8

Sting 14- Looking at Past, Present, & Future

Library Overdues
Books checked out in the past need to be returned in the present so that others can check them out in the future :^)  Check your email for the list and please assist me in reminding students.

Computer Lab Schedule

The computer lab schedule is now online in the 003 folder. Check your email for more info.

The News: Do you think that at some point newspapers will all be digital? Here’s a few examples of how we might view news in the future:

Mapped Up







Google Fast Flip

Google News Timeline



Times Skimmer


MemeTracker– news phrases

An article about this

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Library of Congress: Everyday Mysteries

Library of Congress: Thomas: Legislative Information

100 Milestone Documents- chronicling US History from 1776-1965

92 Historical Interviews you can watch on YouTube

Privacy Revolution dot org– work to maintain personal privacy now before it’s lost in the future

Step-by-Step Math at Wolfram Alpha

FlowingData data visualizations

FlowingPrints- education series

The Week in Rap– weekly news summary video in rap (won’t show at school, but you can download the Quicktime version (big file size))